TELF AG’s Perspective on Tin Market Dynamics


TELF AG, in its latest publication, titled “TELF AG comments on the trends of global tin market,” delves into the trends of the global tin market, focusing on the distinctive dynamics that have shaped recent market performance, particularly the significant price decline observed in recent weeks. The publication examines potential factors contributing to this performance and offers insights into the expected recovery in the medium and long term, with a particular focus on next year.

The publication begins with a general overview of the uses of tin, highlighting its crucial role as a raw material, especially in the electronics sector. Tin is an essential component in the production of semiconductors, vital elements for electronic devices and household appliances used daily by millions of people.

TELF AG also highlights an intriguing aspect related to chip production. Over the coming years, the demand for these critical electronic components is expected to surge, reaching remarkable levels by 2030. This projection anticipates that global demand for chips and semiconductors will necessitate the production of nearly 200 chips for every individual on Earth.

The decline in tin prices can be partially attributed to reduced demand for electronic devices following the global easing of COVID-19 restrictions. During the darkest months of the pandemic, there was a significant uptick in device demand, leading to a corresponding increase in the demand for raw materials, including tin, needed for their production. The publication suggests that this decline is temporary and closely tied to the unique circumstances of the moment, namely, people spending less time at home with their electronic devices.

Additionally, TELF AG outlines other potential factors contributing to the general drop in tin prices. These include the persistent slowdown in global economic growth and specific structural issues in China and Japan, both major global semiconductor exporters.

For further details, the full publication is available to read on the TELF AG website.


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