These are the top 20 unsual food pairings


Brits have revealed the quirkiest sweet and savoury food combinations that sound so wrong but taste too good – including strawberries and balsamic vinegar and chocolate coupled with crisps.
A study of 2,000 adults found 63 per cent love to experiment with unusual food pairings with cheese with apple and watermelon with feta also appearing on the list.
More than a third (35 per cent) enjoy mixing sweet and savoury food together, with cheddar cheese and apple and salami with grapes among the favourites.
Other unique concoctions include milkshake and fries, mince pies topped with cheese and salt mixed with porridge.
However, 31 per cent have a firm ritual for the way they eat their snacks, while 48 per cent prefer to stick with simpler flavours.

Brother duo test the nation’s favourite twists
The research was commissioned by the cookie brand, OREO, to mark the launch of its new #OREOtwists campaign which celebrates and debates the different ways people enjoy eating the iconic black and white cookie.
When quizzed on why biscuits and cookies make the ideal base for twisted snacking combinations, 67 per cent said for their crunchy texture while 56 per cent appreciated their solid, flat structure.
Hilarious brother duo Adam and Ryan Thomas have tried some of the nation’s favourite twists, including biscuits dipped in orange juice and dunked in custard.
Ryan Thomas said: “I’ve always been a big fan of experimenting with different twists on my favourite snacks, and I’m loving testing out some mind-blowing flavour mash ups.
“I’m definitely Team Swalty all the way.”
Adam Thomas said: “My brother and I have always enjoyed a bit of banter in the kitchen – it’s got to be Team Sweet for me.”

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Combining unusual flavours
The study also found 81 per cent actively look for inspiration when it comes to trying new food twists, and 45 per cent love to test out new flavour combinations they see online.
More than two thirds of ‘culinary creators’ are keen for friends (66 per cent) and family (60 per cent) to try their pairings.
However, some need a little encouragement when it comes to sharing – as less than half claim they feel comfortable sharing their unusual snacking combinations with others (46 per cent).
It also emerged 56 per cent trial different ways to eat their snacks, choosing to create their own rituals for eating their favourite foods.
And when it comes to the sweet and salty debate, a fifth are team ‘swalty’ – choosing snacks which play on both flavour combinations.
While 29 per cent of those surveyed, via OnePoll, opt for team savoury, and only 17 prefer sweet.
Katya Savelieva, spokesperson for OREO UK at Mondelēz International, said: “We know OREO fans have a lot of fun with the way they eat our iconic cookie and are proud to celebrate this with our #OREOtwists campaign.
“Whether they’re part of the ‘eat it in one bite’ crew, like a third of the nation – or in the ‘twist and lick’ brigade as a quarter are – the nation has come together in telling us about their favourite base for playful flavour combinations.”
Top 20 unusual food pairings

Cheddar cheese and apple
Bacon with maple syrup
Mixing mayonnaise and ketchup together
Prosciutto and melon
Chocolate and crisps
Ham marinated and cooked in cola
Honey and cheese
Salt and porridge
Strawberries and balsamic vinegar
Watermelon and feta
Strawberry and basil
Milkshake and fries/ crisps
Salad cream on a cheese pizza
Cheese and strawberry jam sandwiches
Instant noodles on toast
Salami with grapes
Mince pies topped with cheese
Mayonnaise with a roast dinner
Mango and chili powder
Dipping toast into tea

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