Many Brit holds back from saying what they really think four times a day to avoid offending others


A poll of 2,000 adults found a whopping 83 per cent regularly avoid expressing opinions or sharing personal revelations.
These include “I don’t want to see any more pictures of your dog”, “eat with your mouth closed”, and “why haven’t you messaged me back?”
But despite their reluctance to share their inner thoughts, 57 per cent believe the world would be a better place if people told others what they really think.
Although 73 per cent admit the occasions when they have revealed their honest views have left them riddled with anxiety.
The research was commissioned to mark the launch of Dark Maltesers, which has also unveiled a selection of ‘confession cakes’ to be sold at the ‘Honesty Baked In bakery’, in London on August 3rd.
The limited-edition treats will feature iced messages of thoughts many would love to say out loud, such as “I’ve got the ick”, “I’m not busy, I just don’t want to come”, and “I borrowed your clothes without asking.”
Building confidence
A spokesperson for Dark Maltesers said: “Being an honest person is of course considered to be the right way to be.
“But in practice in can be harder than you think – so to make sharing your opinions a little easier we’ve come up with ‘confession cakes.’
“It’s our way of making hearing the truth a little bit easier to swallow – literally.”
The study also found 77 per cent of those polled think they’re convincing when they avoid sharing their honest opinions.
Such scenarios include telling your hairdresser you like your new trim when you don’t and complimenting the chef on a meal you didn’t actually enjoy.
Nearly half (49 per cent) have become so accomplished at appearing to genuinely mean what they say in circumstances like these they feel they deserve an Oscar.
But this reluctance to be more forthright appears to be frustrating, as 21 per cent wish they had the confidence to readily say what they truly think.

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Be more honest
However, 56 per cent of those polled claim they prefer people to say what they genuinely feel.
And 73 per cent are of the opinion sometimes you need to hear the truth – even if it’s hard to hear it.
While the research carried out through OnePoll found 28 per cent admit they actually feel better in themselves when they’re honest with others.
A spokesperson for Dark Maltesers added: “Sometimes keeping your opinion to yourself can cause problems in the long term.
“While carrying your true thoughts with you can be quite the burden.
“So, we’re keen to encourage adults to free themselves of these shackles and not be afraid to be more honest.”

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