Over half of dog and cat owners say they spoil their pets 24/7


By Joseph Staples // SWNS
Whether they get extra treats or belly rubs, a new toy, long walks or a delicious home-cooked meal, it’s clear that pets have their owners wrapped around their paws.
A recent survey polling 2,000 dog and cat owners found two in three pet owners wish they could be their furry friends for a day, especially because 65% of pet owners spoil their pets daily.
When asked what they would do if they were their pets for a day, respondents said they would spend their time doing the zoomies and playing outside until they’re exhausted (61%), sleep the day away (40%) or simply get cozy and relax in their favorite spot (36%).
Conducted by Zesty Paws along with OnePoll, the study revealed pets might be the ones who really control the humans and their routines, especially in the homes of younger generations.

Six in 10 millennial and Gen Z respondents in their 20s said they spoil their pets to no end — celebrating everything from birthdays, Gotcha Days, new toys or an extra treat for simply being adorable. Four in five of the same generation also said they’d like to live a day in their pets’ paws.
Over half (57%) of respondents said they spoil their pets “24/7,” with many cherishing the priceless moments like celebrating their pet’s birthday with a birthday bash (44%) and holidays with them (42%).
And while a majority of women (70%) said they enjoy spoiling their pets, a surprising amount of men also stated they get joy from treating their pets to anything they want (61%).
Nearly half of women surveyed (46%) like to celebrate their pets on their birthday, random occasions or days just for the fun of it (45%).
Meanwhile, more than four in 10 men said they like ringing in holidays (45%) and birthdays (41%) with their pets.
Additionally, more than a third of pet owners overall (37%) will do something special for their pet’s “Gotcha Day.”
“All pet parents know that spoiling your pet is one of the greatest joys of having a furry friend,” said Steve Ball, CEO of Zesty Paws. “Supporting a pet’s zest for life not only keeps our spirits high, but it also improves our own health and wellness, and creates a deeper bond between us and our pets – which is a reward we can all get behind.”
Most pet owners (78%) said that their pet’s diet is extremely important to them. Seven in 10 won’t even let their pet consume ingredients that they haven’t researched themselves first.
Older respondents were also found to be more conscientious of what their pets eat than any other generation: 89% of those over the age of 50 said their pets’ nutrition is important to them, compared to 82% in their 20s, 75% in their 30s and 80% in their 40s.
Three in four will exclusively feed their pet the best quality food, treats and supplements they can afford, and 64% will even sometimes make meals for their furry family members from scratch.
Making meals from scratch was also found to follow generational trends: pet owners in their 20s were most likely to handcraft their pet’s meal (75%), followed by those in their 40s (67%) and 30s (65%).
Three in four (76%) respondents with an annual income of at least $150,000 are likely to make their pets’ meals, while the act is only done by 45% of people who make less than $50,000 annually.
When cooking for their pets, owners cater to the ingredients their furry pals love the most: poultry (66%), red meat (62%), seafood (58%) and vegetables (37%).
“One of the most important decisions we as pet parents make is choosing what our pet consumes and how it affects their overall health. That means using the highest quality ingredients to support a pet’s holistic wellness journey,” said Steve Ball, CEO of Zesty Paws. “It seems pet parents would agree, as we’ve found, that more and more of us are paying closer attention to the ingredients our pets consume.” 
Poultry – 66%
Red Meat – 62%
Seafood – 58%
Vegetables – 37%

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