Isis Monteverde: Getting Started with Mindfulness

Getting Started with Mindfulness

Life coach Isis Monteverde is also an experienced former yoga teacher, having completed her training in Bali while travelling. This article will look at mindfulness and how meditation can open the door to a healthy mind and healthy life.

Mindfulness is a basic human ability that allows a person to be fully present in the moment, heightening their awareness of where they are and what they are doing without them becoming reactive or overwhelmed by what is going on around them. While mindfulness is an innate ability, it is a state that is generally easier to achieve through daily practice.

An individual is mindful when they become attuned to what they are directly experiencing via their senses. A growing body of research suggests that when a person trains their mind to be mindful, they actually affect the physical structure of the brain.

Using mindfulness to improve mental wellbeing need not be a difficult process, with practice. Above all, it is important for participants to avoid placing pressure on themselves, experimenting with different styles until they find the right one for them.

Between packed work schedules, daily chores and making time for family and friends, our daily lives are filled with stressors. Meditation provides an outlet to help people cope with all this pressure.

Renowned professor Jon Kabat Zinn is the founder of the Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Clinic. He teaches that there are nine pillars to mindfulness:

  • Acceptance
  • Trust
  • Nonjudgement
  • Patience
  • Gratitude
  • Not striving for a goal
  • Having a beginner’s mind
  • Generosity
  • Letting go

Mindfulness comes in many different forms. One of the most popular approaches is mindful meditation, which is typically practiced in a quiet space. Participants close their eyes, breathing slowly and deeply, allowing their thoughts to come and go.

For those who find it challenging to switch off, participating in a guided programme may be a more appropriate route. Mindfulness-based stress reduction is an eight-week course that involves daily mediation sessions in the home environment, as well as homework assignments, weekly classes with a teacher and a full-day silent retreat.

Meditation is about exploring rather than arriving at a fixed destination. A common misconception about meditation is that, to practice it properly, the brain must be devoid of thought and completely undistracted. In reality, meditation involves venturing into the inner workings of the mind, exploring sensations, emotions and thoughts.

Mindfulness meditation requires participants to suspend judgement, unleashing their natural curiosity about the workings of the mind and approaching the experience with kindness and warmth towards themselves and other people.


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