These are the top 20 wedding themes adults would like to attend


Themed weddings featuring fancy dress outfits and banquets of McDonald’s and KFC are booming in Britain, according to research.
A study of 2,000 adults found four in 10 have attended a ceremony, with a theme such as Lord of the Rings or Disney, and 21 per cent have been served takeaway food at the reception.
Quirky costumes, bizarre cakes and over-the-top dresses are also becoming the latest trends to hit the wedding scene.
It also emerged 29 per cent would like a ‘fantasy wedding’, including the likes Alice in Wonderland, Game of Thrones or Star Trek.

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While the research, commissioned by Peperami, revealed 23 per cent would opt for a fast-food theme, with KFC, Pizza Hut, Subway, and McDonalds taking centre stage.
But although the idea of a themed wedding appeals to many, 79 per cent wouldn’t actually be brave enough to go through with it, giving into the usual wedding conventions.
Despite this, 44 per cent think being invited to a themed wedding would make great memories or be a great laugh and an amusing story to tell their friends.
Of those polled who aren’t married, 83 per cent want to get creative with their nuptials should the occasion arise.
Pavan Chandra, from meat snacking brand Peperami, said: “As the summer months continue to be crowded with weddings, many of us find it a bit dull to attend these formulaic ceremonies, so it’s no wonder a theme would make it a more memorable and an enjoyable day.
“While weddings are centred around the bride and groom; they are also about giving their guests an exciting, unforgettable, and entertaining wedding experience, sharing their big day with their loved ones.
“The research has shown there’s certainly an appetite for something a bit more unique and expressive of the couple’s personality.”
The ‘most outrageous wedding of the year’
The study, carried out via OnePoll, found 54 per cent of all respondents weren’t keen on attending weddings altogether.
Key reasons for their reluctance include dreading socialising with people they don’t know, not looking forward to the long day ahead, or thinking the wedding will be dull and boring.
Following the findings, Peperami gave one lucky couple their own ‘Go a Bit Peperami’ themed wedding, on 11th August.
Pavan Chandra, added: “From the dress to the cake and even the decorations, everything was inspired by the moreish meat snacks we create and featured on @peperamitv.
“It was possibly the most outrageous wedding of the year, with the lucky couple having the ultimate celebration which will certainly stand out from the crowd.”
Top 20 wedding themes adults would like to attend

Fantasy – Lord of the Rings, Twilight, Alice in Wonderland, Game of Thrones, Star Trek etc.
Music – Rock ‘n’ Roll, pop, disco etc.
Disney – Cinderella, Micky Mouse, Lion King etc.
Action heroes – Marvel, comics, Lego characters etc.
80s era
Food branded themed – KFC, Pizza Hut, Subway, McDonalds etc.
Sport – Football, tennis, rugby, golf etc.
70s era
90s era
Video games – Warcraft, Monopoly, Pac Man etc.
60s era
Travel/ countries
Drink branded theme – coffee, Aperol etc.
Animal themed such as cats, dogs etc.
50s era

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