These are Brits' top 40 garden trends for 2022


A poll of 2,000 adults, with an outdoor space, found more than one in 10 describe their entire garden as ‘intentionally wild’ in style, to encourage biodiversity.
Fruit trees, composting areas and greenhouses appeared in the list of what people most like to see in a garden.
But anything painted in an orange wood stain, wind chimes, recycled old tyres and artificial topiary balls are unlikely to be bought in 2022.
Water features and ‘living walls’ are also among the most popular garden trends of the moment, while fake animals, buddha statues and plastic ornaments are out.
Kevin Smith, from Draper Tools, which commissioned the research, said: “So many of us have got into gardening in recent times and it’s fascinating to take a look at the top trends – as well as those that have fallen out of favour.
“It’s great to see the number of people focusing on sustainability by growing their own food, composting, harvesting rainwater and encouraging biodiversity in their gardens – hopefully these are long term trends that are here to stay.
“Gardens are ultimately a very personal thing, so although gnomes and plastic flamingos may not be top trends, if you love them in your garden – that’s all that matters.”

Getting the best from the outside
Other elements Brits are now turning away from in their gardens are hot tubs, perhaps as a result of rising electricity costs.
Another 27 per cent don’t like to see trampolines in their back gardens, and 15 per cent consider topiary to be ‘over’.
However, some trends made both the top garden trends and the worst ones – suggesting an opinion split.
Those which fall into this ‘love/hate’ category include decking, ponds, fire pits, and repurposing household items to grow plants in – like bathtubs, sinks, and old bikes.
Exactly one in five respondents say keeping up with the latest garden trends is ‘very’ important to them, while three quarters reckon they’ve got great outdoor taste.
And during a typical week, green-fingered Brits will spend an hour and 20 minutes pondering how to get the best from their outside space.
Nearly a fifth (17 per cent) also admit they get ‘inspiration’ for their garden by peering over their neighbour’s fence.
Adults will spend nearly two and a half hours each week outside tending to their garden areas during the summer months.

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The perfect space to thrive
In total, they estimate having spent an average of £1,732 on buying new bedding, plants, tools and other garden costs since they moved in, according to the OnePoll data.
And it’s seen as money well spent, as 34 per cent said spending on their gardens is a worthwhile investment.
Respondents also say their top priority for their garden is simply having a place to relax (49 per cent).
However, just under a quarter (24 per cent) say sustainability is their number one goal, and 31 per cent want a space they can grow their own fruit and veg.
Draper Tools’ Kevin Smith added: “Our results found people use their gardens for many different things and there are certainly strong feelings out there – but almost everyone wants their space to look good.
“This is the time of year when all the work you put in during winter and spring should be paying off, and letting you enjoy that outdoor space.
“And if wild animals, birds and bugs are also able to thrive in the space then that’s just perfect.”
Brits’ top 40 garden trends for 2022

Bird feeders
Bird bath
Fruit trees
Hanging baskets
Lanterns/outdoor lights
Solar lighting
Vegetable gardens
Garden pathways/stepping stones
Herb garden
Rainwater harvesting
Terracotta plant pots
Water features
Wild meadow area/growing of wildflowers
Raised garden beds
Successional gardening (ensuring there are plants are flowering all year round)
Rose gardens
Composting areas
Summer houses
Natural stone/minerals
Hedgehog homes
Fire pits
Glazed plant pots
Rock gardens
Bumblebee nest boxes
Immaculately trimmed lawns
Naturalistic planting
Built in BBQ/Outdoor kitchen
Repurposing household items to grow plants in – such as bathtubs, sinks, old bikes
Bird/animal box cameras
Palm trees
Pizza ovens
No dig gardening – also known as rewilding (involves minimal interference to the garden)
Stripes in the lawn
Tulip gardens

Brits’ worst 40 garden trends for 2022

Fake grass
Plastic ornaments
Artificial topiary balls
Fake animal/bird statues e.g. Flamingos
Buddha statues
Hot tubs
Recycled old tires as plant containers
Pub in a shed
Garden tiki bar
Shoe planter (a planter that looks like a shoe)
Fairy gardens (tiny mini gardens for fairies)
Pretend bicycle planters
Anything painted with orange wood stain
Brightly painted fences
Outdoors beanbags
Sonic animal repellers
Wind chimes
Repurposing household items to grow plants in – such as bathtubs, sinks, old bikes
Gas powered barbecues
Crazy paving
Flowers which don’t smell very nice
Trees which drop leaves everywhere
Topiary (trimming hedges into shapes)
Over-pruned shrubs
Metal bird/animal/butterfly wall ornaments
Patio heaters
Decorative crates
Fire pits
Rattan furniture
Garden clock
Plain lawns with boarders around them
Garden kitchen (for adults)

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