These are the top 20 things that make a good friend


The average Brit will go on more 2,000 nights out, spend 39,000 hours laughing, and share 630 secrets during a lifetime of friendship.
A poll of 2,000 adults revealed they will also spend an average of 125,143 minutes – the equivalent of 87 days – chatting to pals over the phone and send an enormous 36,036 messages.
The average adult currently has 10 good friends – with one in 10 knowing their closet companion since they were six.
It also emerged 17 years is the average length of a friendship, although 17 per cent have had the same best friend for more than 30 years.
When quizzed on what makes a good friend, giving honest outfit advice, making each other laugh and sending embarrassing photos on a birthday were cited as the top things.
The research was commissioned by Disney as part of its Wonder of Friendship campaign that celebrates Mickey Mouse and Friends’ iconic friendships.

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Friendships are vital
Sarah Fox, vice president of marketing and communications for Disney consumer products, gaming and publishing EMEA, said: “Friendships are vital, but as we get older, they can become more difficult to maintain for a variety of different reasons.
“That’s why it’s so uplifting to see how much importance we put on having strong, lasting bonds with our friends, and celebrate Disney best Pals Mickey and Friends, who exemplify a lifetime of friendship this International Friendship Day.”
Seven in 10 said their friend sees them as someone they can always turn to for help – with relationships being the most common topic of conversation.
The average time spent with a friend per week is four hours, while 48 per cent claim it’s unusual to go a day without talking to them
But the study, conducted via OnePoll, also found 49 per cent wish they could see their buddies more often.
Living too far away and life getting in the way were cited as the most common barriers for this.
Top 20 things that make a good friend

Be a good listener
Listen to each other’s problems
Make each other laugh
Always tell the truth
Keep each other’s secrets
Give a second and honest opinion on something
Don’t judge mistakes
Treat them/ cheer them up when someone has bad news
Always be willing to put the kettle on for a chat
Always there in a pinch to help with any situation – no matter big or small
Give them a lift home if they are stranded somewhere
Call them out when they aren’t themselves
Provide honest advice on an outfit
Share films, games, records, books that they haven’t seen/ played/ read
Help them move house
Take them on a night out after a breakup
Pick them up from the airport after a holiday
Motivate them to push that every mile/lift heavier when exercising
Send silly and embarrassing pictures on your birthday
Pet sit for you

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