Key Reasons For Showing Your Employees Some Appreciation


Everybody needs to feel wanted and appreciated in their day-to-day lives. However, a great many employees feel underappreciated in their workplaces, and until recently, there was very little emphasis placed on the appreciation of employees in managerial practice. Employees were expected to work to the fullest of their abilities without any kind of recognition apart from their financial compensation and the vague hope of a promotion. This article runs through some of the reasons why showing a little appreciation is absolutely crucial in the modern workplace.

To Ensure Employee Retainment

A great many industries have been suffering from what has been dubbed the Great Resignation in the press. Employees – often underappreciated and compensated poorly for their work – have been quitting their jobs in record numbers in the post-covid world. A lack of appreciation can also result in employees seeking opportunities for recognition and growth elsewhere. High turnover rates can be costly for companies, as they must constantly invest time and resources into recruitment and training. Furthermore, a high rate of turnover can also have a negative impact on the company’s culture and morale, therefore creating a vicious cycle of disengagement and discontent.

Therefore, it’s essential for companies to implement a robust employee recognition and appreciation scheme to create a positive and inclusive workplace culture and reduce the likelihood of high turnover rates and further resignations. Awards ceremonies, custom gifts made by companies such as, regular pay rises, and regular verbal indications of appreciation can help to create a resilient workforce with a low employee turnover rate.

To Build A Sense Of Community

Most business leaders want to create an inclusive and collaborative community in their organization. Employees who feel unrecognized are highly unlikely to put the effort into taking part in any kind of community-building exercise. Underappreciated employees are far more likely to want to leave their work behind them when they leave the office or shut down their computers. They would rather be anywhere else – work for them is a place of misery, not community. Employees who do feel appreciated, on the other hand, are more likely to consider themselves part of an inclusive community.

To Increase Cohesion And Adherence To Company Values

Companies communicate their values to employees to establish a clear and consistent company culture, align employees with company goals and objectives, and promote ethical standards. It helps employees understand their role in achieving company objectives and supports personal and professional growth. Effective communication of values also builds trust and creates a positive work environment. An appreciated workforce is far more likely to cohesively adhere to company values. If they do not feel appreciated for their work, any value-setting by higher ups can feel hollow and meaningless.

To Increase Employee Ambition

Regularly affirming a company’s appreciation for its employees’ work can lead to a more ambitious work culture. If people know that they are going to be recognized for their efforts, they are more likely to shoot for the stars when carrying out their work. Ambitious employees are more likely to innovate, move up within a company, and generally provide their employers with a better service.


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