The Global Intervention Assistance Foundation Sets Up GoFundMe to Help Efforts to End Human Trafficking


The Global Intervention Assistance Foundation is fundraising to help support the organization’s operating expenses that contribute to supporting the fight against human trafficking. Your donation is an all-hands-on effort to provide vital funding for victims and families of human trafficking throughout our communities worldwide. Our mission is to promote self-sufficiency, safety, and long-term independence of adult and child victims of domestic violence, family violence, poverty, forced labor, and human trafficking through a proven solution of financial empowerment services for survivors.

Human trafficking is a multi-billion-dollar enterprise, and it’s one of the fastest-growing illicit industries in the world. Every year, traffickers earn approximately 39 billion on exploitation of children alone. Through the Global Intervention Assistance Foundation, your generosity will help mothers and families eradicate human trafficking to bring their children back home.

Every day, women and children in our community face sexual abuse, violence, poverty, and mental health issues. Many are struggling to find a way forward. The Global Intervention Assistance Foundation exists to empower them to do so and build to better futures for themselves and their families. The organization is committed to providing help and hope to all who have been deprived of these basic human rights as they are dedicated to work collaboratively to build strong, positive, nonviolent communities.

For all the challenges of human trafficking presented during COVID-19, there is still reason for hope: People across the world are joining hands to promote awareness and support our fight against human trafficking to preserve humanity.

Who benefits from your donation?

Your single donation will help meet urgent needs of our families and victims, which include investigation, rescue, housing, shelter, food, clothing, medical, mental health, dental services, interpreter/translator services, criminal justice victim advocacy, legal services, social services advocacy, literacy education and employment assistance.

The goal of this fundraiser is to help the Global Intervention Assistance Foundation with the financial capacity to provide resources to aid in preventing and reducing victimization of girls who are vulnerable to sex trafficking. Donate today to help raise awareness and make a difference in the fight against human trafficking.


For more info on the Global Intervention Assistance Foundation, please refer to: