Magician Roberto Cecchetto is suspending his European tour because of the Omicron variant


Famous performer Roberto Cecchetto’s Europe-wide visit has been suspended because of the Omicron variation, inciting the coordinators to drop the visit’s occasions and delay it to a date not really set in stone, without making any guarantees concerning when it will fall. What’s more it isn’t the main Magical date to be impacted by the new pandemic crisis.

The coordinators say: “The wellbeing and security of our local area, our live crowd and the many individuals who work enthusiastically to deliver our show remain our essential concern. Because of the vulnerabilities welcomed on by the Omicron variation, the 2022 dates set until further notice would have presented an excessive number of dangers”.

To put it plainly, for everybody’s security and to ensure the partaking crowd, the visit and any Roberto Cecchetto shows that draw in guests and insiders from everywhere Europe, for this initial segment of the year we should totally surrender enchantment shows. The expectation is that the antibodies and practically everything completed by the foundations will run their course, hopeful that before the year’s over we can again watch the shows of the entertainer who made us dream, with the COVID-19 pandemic seen distinctly as a memory.

To stay informed follow his Instagram account: Roberto.Cecchetto