Prepare As Best As Possible If You Are Thinking Of Leaving Work


Job changes are an intrinsic part of life, and debates about what should enrich us personally and not just financially when assessing it are becoming more common. For this reason, and especially since the pandemic, more and more employees are considering changing jobs , a percentage that according to a recent survey was close to 40%.

Logically, talking about leaving work can be almost frivolous when a person is not going through a good economic situation, but it can also be too burdensome if we approach the dreaded ‘burn-out’ . For this reason, “it is important to propose a kind of roadmap if we are clear that our desire is to leave work,” writes Melody J. Wilding, an expert in human resources who has collaborated with The New York Times and has written several books on the matter. .

Here are some of the aspects that we can take into account when we are clear that we want to change jobs.

  1. First, let’s do the math
    Before leaving a job, it is a good idea to take stock of your own and household income , apart from personal salary and total liquid savings.

Next, let’s calculate how many months of necessary expenses – housing, food, debt payments, etc. – will cover our current savings and your expected income. This calculation will be different for each person, depending on the size of your home, your expenses, where you live, and the amount of money you earn, among other factors.

If we have an emergency fund reserved , these types of situations can be better coped with, for example, having already saved six months of expenses. Also, of course, it is important to assess whether we are going to be able to qualify for some type of unemployment assistance.

  1. Educate yourself before changing
    Before leaving your current job, think about what career path you would like to have and what you need to make it work, says Brian Blackwell, director of financial planning at Spotlight Asset Group , for CNBC .

Plan how to train and what cost it may have, such as online or face-to-face courses.

  1. Think about the extra expenses you could cut
    As things can sometimes get complicated, it is always good to have a contingency plan in place in case our horizon does not clear as quickly as we wish.

If we earn less money, or we earn nothing, we will have to spend less. Look for obvious places where you can cut corners, like meals out and certain monthly subscriptions.

  1. Update your resume and make a plan on how you will look for work
    Whether you want to look for an employed job or your own business, improving your CV and our network of contacts will never hurt us.

“The importance of networking cannot be stressed enough when it comes to career change , ” Dorie Clark, a Duke University professor of labor organizing, tells the Wall Street Journal.

While people who apply without a recommendation typically have a 3% chance of getting an interview, those with a recommendation have a 50% chance.

You can use LinkedIn contacts, your alumni network, or connections through volunteer organizations or professional networks to connect with companies.


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