Half of dog owners have a 'bucket list' of memories they wish to create with their pet


Exploring a new city, paddleboarding, kayaking and even skateboarding are other activities they are keen to experience together with their pups.
Other adventures listed in top 30 include travelling on a road trip, watching a sunset and attending a dog yoga class.
The study of 2,000 dog owners also found 32 per cent class their four-legged friend as their adventure buddy, while 45 per cent think having a pooch makes them feel less lonely when out and about.
Activities many have already enjoyed with their pet include running on the beach (29 per cent), going on a bike ride (10 per cent) and swimming in the sea (16 per cent).
It also emerged some even favour activities with their pet over another human, including a staycation (20 per cent), climbing a mountain (15 per cent) and going wild swimming (15 per cent).
The research, commissioned by natural dog food makers, Forthglade [www.forthglade.com/adventures], also found 30 per cent are keen to create adventure-led memories with their dog.
And owners typically describe their dog as confident (47 per cent), mischievous (40 per cent) and adventurous (31 per cent).

Dogs are ideal teachers
Toby Roberts, from Essex, who has owned his rescue dog Ted, for three years, said: “We have a great bond and he is so much fun to be around. Ted is a huge part of our lives and we have terrific adventures.
“We went on a big campervan trip around Europe in 2019 and of course he came with us.
“We went through five different countries, travelled 3,000km and it was great to spend the time with Ted.”
David Cox, CEO at Forthglade, said: “With dog ownership increasing substantially over the last few years, it’s great to see our canine companions encouraging us to get outdoors more, experiencing adventures together.
“Adding adventures on top of the daily dog walk is hugely beneficial to the health and wellbeing of both us and our dogs – and can really boost a nourishing relationship together, which in turn increases our levels of happiness.
“Dogs are ideal teachers when it comes to sniffing out adventures and sharing endless excitement along the way.”

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Canine companions
The study also revealed the benefits people believe come from enjoying adventures with their dog, with 38 per cent getting more exercise.
Others think it helps improve their mental health (35 per cent) and allows them to form a closer bond with their dog (38 per cent).
Similarly, pet owners said getting fresh air (40 per cent), creating memories (31 per cent) and meeting new people and their pets (26 per cent) were incentives for getting outdoors with their dog.
It also found 58 per cent have taken their dog on holiday in the UK, while 33 per cent have travelled abroad with their canine companion.
While 60 per cent admitted to planning day trips solely around their pet’s needs, with plenty of open space (38 per cent), beautiful scenery (35 per cent) and the sea (23 per cent) as key must-haves.
Of those polled via OnePoll, 29 per cent even said one of the reasons they got a dog was to encourage more outdoor adventures.
Top 30 bucket list for ‘pawsome’ adventures
1.            Run on the beach            
2.            Holiday in the UK            
3.            Dog-friendly hotel break              
4.            Explore the local area / town     
5.            Road trip             
6.            Watch a sunset
7.            Swim in the sea
8.            Watch a sunrise
9.            Camping             
10.          Hike a mountain              
11.          Explore a new city                   
12.          Holiday abroad         
13.          Dine al fresco    
14.          Wild swimming
15.          Bike ride             
16.          Complete an agility course          
17.          Dog-friendly spa day      
18.          Watch a live sports game             
19.          Boat tour            
20.          Paddleboarding               
21.          Walk down the aisle on their wedding day           
22.          Dog yoga classes
23.          Attend a festival              
24.          Outdoor cinema experience      
25.          Kayaking             
26.          Travel on a plane             
27.          Canoeing            
28.          Skateboarding  
29.          Sailing  
30.          Surfing 

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